Monday, May 10, 2010

It ends and leaves you immobile...

That is the problem with too much of a good thing...

I woke-up this morning hating life. I've had to say goodbye to too many people.

I graduated from college last May, and have spent the past year pretending that I was an adult. I had a new job and a new place to live, but I still had friends around that I cared for very much that were still connect to school. As of two days ago, all of those connections have severed. I have a different connection to my alma mater. Hopefully, a healthy one, but I can't help but feel as though a period in my life has truly ended. Saying goodbye before wasn't quite so hard, but I'm static while everyone else is moving.

I'm not disappointed, honestly. It has nothing to do with what my life is, but I have no clue what my life will become. No goals beyond the short term. I suppose it's emotions that keep us going, good or bad. Emotions...emotions.

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